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文字:[大][中][小] 2018-08-25    浏览次数:    

一个新的生物质物流解决方案将降低20-30%的燃料处理成本,生物燃料的总成本约为10%,使生物质更具竞争力。国际生物能源杂志(Bioenergy International)去芬兰瓦萨Vaskiluoto电厂了解更多有关物流系统的经验。

A new solution for biomass logistics has reduced the cost of fuel handling by 20-30 percent, and the total cost of biofuel about ten percent making biomass more competitive. Bioenergy International went to Vaskiluoto power plant in Vaasa, Finland to find out more about the experience of the logistics system.


It takes ≈20 minutes for the truck driver to unload a full load into the crusher. The crushed material is conveyed to storage.

位于芬兰西海岸的瓦萨,560MW的工厂由 EPV Energy and Pohjolan Voima公司旗下的Vaskiluodon Voima公司所有。它每年使用生物质和煤炭产生900-1700GWh的电力。该厂还向瓦萨供应了450 GWh的区域供热。

Located in Vaasa on the west coast of Finland, the 560 MW plant is owned by Vaskiluodon Voima, an energy utility owned by EPV Energy and Pohjolan Voima. It uses biomass and coal to generate between 900-1700 GWh of electricity annually. The plant also supplies 450 GWh of district heating to the Vaasa, excess heat from electricity production led to the sea.


In 2013, the world’s largest biomass gasification unit began operations at the coal power plant in Vaasa. The gasification plant, supplied by Valmet, is a cost-effective way to replace coal with biomass in existing coal-fired plants. The investment is lower compared to building a new dedicated biomass plant. It is also an alternative to fitting wood powder burners in an existing coal-fired boiler.


The gasification plant brings 140 MW and replaces about a third of the fossil carbon in the plant. The investment was approximately EUR 40 million, of which the Finnish government contributed just over ten million.  The investment included the fuel receiving, fuel handling, drying, gasifier, burners and associated installation work.


The new facility has resulted in reduced carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by about 230 000 tonnes per year. By replacing imported coal and carbon emission allowances with locally produced biomass fuel, around EUR 15 million is retained in the regional economy.

4000万欧元的投资相对较低,为现有锅炉增加了140兆瓦的燃料容量。Vaskiluodon Voima的维护经理JanneÖsterback认为这是一个可以用于其他煤电厂的解决方案。

The investment of EUR 40 million was relatively low to add 140 MW fuel capacity to an existing boiler. I think this is a solution that can be useful for other coal plants, said Janne Österback, Maintenance Manager at Vaskiluodon Voima.


After the investment decision was taken in 2011, both the cost of coal and electricity prices have fallen the cost of using biomass has not decreased correspondingly.

为了降低成本和继续使用生物质燃料,我们需要找到一种使燃料物流更有效率的方法。EPV Energy公司的燃料经理Esa Koskiniemi说,这是我们开始制定新型破碎机计划的一个重要原因,该公司是瓦萨发电厂的合作伙伴之一。

In order to reduce our costs and continue using biomass fuel, we needed to find a way to make fuel logistics more efficient. It was an important reason why we started to plan for a new crusher, a part of the solution we came up with, said Esa Koskiniemi, Fuel Manager at EPV Energy, one of the partners in the power plant in Vaasa.


Planning for new fuel-crusher

CBI Europe,现在是Terex的一部分,于2014年春季开发解决方案,并于2015年10月推出新的电动固定式破碎机,在厂区内生产木片。

CBI Europe, now part of Terex, was contacted in the spring of 2014 to develop a solution, and in October 2015 a new electric stationary crusher to produce chips inside the plant area.


Close-up of the crusher drum.


This solution resulted in both a more efficient material breakdown and fuel-efficient logistics.

起初,我们考虑了一种使用移动电动破碎机的解决方案,我们可以在瓦萨和Seinäjoki的其他工厂之间移动使用。但由于物流和噪音原因,我们决定在瓦萨使用固定式破碎机,Esa Koskiniemi说。

At first, we considered a solution using a mobile electric crusher that we could move between Vaasa and our other plant in Seinäjoki. But for logistical and noise reasons, we decided to use a stationary crusher in Vaasa, said Esa Koskiniemi.

我们计划破碎厂满足每吨木片噪声、容量、燃料质量和电力需求的要求。破碎机的位置需要单独考虑,因为居民距离发电厂不到一公里。因此,CBI Europe总经理Laurens Veer解释说,该破碎机被建造在吸音房内,并将进料面放置在远离该地区旅客的位置。

We planned the crushing plant to meet to meet the requirements for noise, capacity, fuel quality and electricity demand per tonne chips. The location of the crusher required a separate analysis because there are summer residents less than a kilometre from the power plant. The crusher was therefore built into sound absorbent housing and placed with the in-feed facing away from the area with summer visitors, explained Laurens Veer, General Manager, CBI Europe.

自国际生物能源杂志(Bioenergy International)上次采访已经过了一年,新的接收站已经运行了一年。

The new receiving station has been in operation for over a year since Bioenergy International last visited.

我们对破碎机非常满意,我们的生产能力非常好。Esa Koskiniemi表示,至少提供400立方米/小时,噪音测量显示,水平在规定范围内,破碎机产生P63燃料质量。

We are very pleased with the crusher, production capacity is very good in our experience. It provides at least 400 m3 per hour, noise measurements show that levels are within stipulated regulations and the crusher produces a P63 fuel quality, remarked Esa Koskiniemi.

破碎机过去一个月已经生产了55 GWh的燃料。这相当于每周每天20辆卡车的量。燃料接收通过卡车并将原木直接卸载到破碎机中,大约需要20分钟。

The past month the crusher has produced 55 GWh of fuel. This is equivalent to 20 trucks per day every day of the week. Fuel reception is done by the truck pulling up alongside the intake table and unloading the logs directly into the crusher, which takes about 20 minutes.

